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We live in a global and interconnected world apparently, make us think that is the only option and that the shape and direction that is happening is correct. "The idea of a united humanity, without borders, where humans share a common destiny, is old. This involves a process of globalization. But that is taking place has little to do with that humanist vision." Globalization us connects people to ever reach to know but that will impact on many of the actions acometamos in our routines. "... Millions of people who once lived in isolation have been brought into contact with the outside world." Globalization is a network that is affecting all sectors, including to us today, tourism, and as any self-respecting process brings positive and negative, in fact this development is creating ties that bind us other people like us even though they live thousands and thousands of miles from our homes, links can become bonds of love that help us promote different societies as shackles or links to some cultures bury under the other.
Usually when you approach a trip, you're immersed in the industry of consumerism.