There are many ways to travel, from the most common historic cars, hotel or beach to the more adventurous backpacking trip, passing through rural tourism, camping, sports getaways or trips to the mountains or the desert. Besides all these, Marrakech offers another way, more humane and supportive of travel: travel solidarity or cooperation to a developing country that needs international cooperation to address its serious problems.
The Travels of cooperation or "philanthropic travel," are intended to help people overcome their difficulties and improve their survival everyday. The Moroccan economy, developing, depends crucially on the income from tourism (about 7.5 million tourists in 207) that, however, not always revert to a substantial improvement in the lives of the disadvantaged (those / as a per capita income does not reach the national average of 1,673 per year). The UN promotes tourism cooperation and emphasize the positive impact this type of tourism has both / the traveler / a as in host communities.

Since the government efforts are inadequate, there are associations and private donors dedicated to helping young people to receive adequate schooling. Most of them offer scholarships, accommodation, free courses or assistance for their eventual entry into the labor market and the financing of teaching materials, transportation or food.
Besides education, other sources of aid implementation of associations and private partners whose ultimate goal is to improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable and needy. Fundamentally, there are two areas where effort is concentrated in these institutions: health and infrastructure, which are often closely linked.