In the health area, the figures are also very significant: the infant mortality rate has increased in recent years to 41 ‰, 25% of children under 5 suffer from malnutrition and only 1.4% of GDP is spent on health, which is an annual public health expenditure of 81.6 Euros per person.
Lun Enlargement
As for infrastructure, just to mention that access to running water is 80%, but access to sanitation is only 62%, which means many problems of health and healing. In this sense, many organizations are devoted to finance, plan and carry out numerous projects for improvement and construction of facilities for the extraction and distribution of water and to ensure proper sanitation, especially in rural areas.
There are also other more social projects that have been progressively developed with the invaluable help of volunteers and visitors from abroad. Among others, there are programs to help develop organic farming, promotion of rural tourism, building public works, schools and orphanages, to help people with disabilities, awareness in health and equality, of support and promotion of sports, medical and pedagogical training of teachers, promotion of social exchange and constant communication between young students and their Moroccan counterparts to establish a dialogue between cultures, etc..
Lun Enlargement
Thus, there are many ways for visitors to Morocco can help develop the country both to a purely financial and contributing their knowledge, their time and energy. There are many associations and organizations grateful welcome any cooperation by tourists, guests and visitors, for whom the experience of collaborating actively in the development of an emerging country will certainly be immensely rewarding and profits.
This experience will provide the opportunity to learn firsthand more about the country and what is not listed in travel books or media. Will also create valuable bond with individuals, families and even entire communities. You can also enjoy the close interaction between your donation and practical input on one side and the results achieved by another. Their meetings will be extremely positive, not just the level of social needs, but also learning about the culture and its idiosyncrasies.